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ApokRemoving a costume from your roster

Offline Apok Posted 12-08-2015, 03:31 PM -
Post: #1
Drop Bear Squadron Leader

Hi there team,

I have just recently had to retire two of my costumes, as I on sold them. This left me wondering "How do you retire a costume?"

So I thought this would make it easy for people.

To remove costumes...
please post here in the thread below.


Here is what I posted in the thread for my two costumes.

Could you please delete these two costumes from my roster. Both are going to new homes that will wear them more than I can.




You will need to go to your costume list, click on the costume you would removed and then copy the link address into your post. Once that is done one of the costume judges will delete your costume.

The Legion Costume Judges try to insure that the request is made formally on the boards because once a costume is deleted, it can't be reinstated - it would have to be re-submitted and re-judged.

I hope this makes it easy for you to update your costume list and keep it all up to date.

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